(A) Weblinks
(1) Business Letters and Email Etiquette
(2) Business Phone Calls
(3) Complaints
(4) Job Hunting
(5) Others
(B) Other resources
1. Suggested lesson plans (prepared by EDB)
2. Fluency in workplace communication (Developed and prepared by the webmaster, Joanne Chuk)
3. Resources Package for S4-S6 (Prepared by EDB)
4. Workplace Communication teaching materials and powerpoint slides
Worksheet : Set 1
Powerpoint Slides: Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
5. Lesson Plans on job hunting (Prepared by Y.C.Yuen & L.H.Ma)
6. Job Hunting: Links
7. Job Hunting: Monopoly Game (designed by K.M. Yu)
8. Workplace: The office (Designed by J.Harniess)
9. NETworking: Workplace Communication (Official document developed by EDB) |